Hi, Readers! I’m Sally, the chair of the hospitality committee in Heart of a Hoarder. Up until now, I’m the only character in a Patience Oaktree book who has made an appearance outside of the book’s pages. I’m the star in the book’s video trailer, so Val thought I’d be the right person to introduce this section of the blog. I’m not so sure about that — my specialty is really baking bar cookies.
I love that the video is accurate right down to the purple highlights in my hair. And the lemon squares were delicious. But — and I hope I don’t get in trouble for saying this — the trailer is a pretty primitive effort. I don’t think I need any expertise to realize that. I do hear Val is working on producing some better videos soon.
One of the big goals of this blog is to present the back-stories and extra stories that aren’t included in the published books. Many of those vignettes will be presented by various characters from the books. So…
Orange-titled posts with the oak leaf thumbnail — like this one — are written from the point of view of the character presenting the post.