“Tempus fugit,” my mother often said. Time flies!
Yikes! I opened my website to make a few tweaks and couldn’t believe it had been so long since my last blog post. So let me assure you, I’m still here.
Last week I attended an Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA) webinar during which the excellent facilitator Joylynn Ross asked participants to define their role as an author/publisher. My response, that I’m an edutainer, was met with enthusiasm in the chat box from Jody Dyer and Terry Colton, two of the other attendees.
Joylynn also challenged us to think about what problem(s) our writing helps to solve. Another attendee raised the subject of fiction. And Joylynn then expressed the belief I’ve long held that, in addition to non-fiction, fiction can and does solve problems.
So, I’m still here:
available to give author talks about my books and writing (use the Contact tab)
offering fundraising for nonprofit groups (use the Contact tab)
happy to make a virtual appearance at your book group (see Book Clubs tab)
super-happy to sell my books (preferably through the Books tab)
posting on Twitter @valsgro
staying true to the Really Organized mission of bringing the field of professional organizing into popular culture
And, although I haven’t written much lately, my brain has been busy formulating the ideas for two new books for your future edutainment.